Gias Srl

Frozen ready meals and grilled vegetables


Via Nazionale, snc
87040 Mongrassano (CS)

Founded in 1970
Mongrassano (CS)

Gias has been operating for over fifty years in the production and marketing of frozen foods. The whole production is 100% natural without preservatives, artificial flavors and artificial colors. We are a company able to constantly innovate both in terms of product and production process without ever renouncing to the high quality standard that has always distinguished our products.
Gias works with the aim of responding efficiently and promptly to the needs of the various domestic and international markets (Industry, Catering, Retail), to which Gias addresses through a wide range of products from ready meals to soups, from grilled vegetables to natural vegetables, from legumes to cereals ready to cook.
The entire production process takes place in the Italian production plant and in compliance with the BRC and IFS quality standards.
"From the field to the freezer in an instant, keeping all the value of the product"

Our brands

Main markets

Italy, Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia


BRC Food
IFS Food
UNI EN 11233
ISO 22005: 2008
ISO 9001:2015


Italian Food Tradition

Palazzo Pegaso c/o Aeroporto Internazionale di Napoli

Viale Fulco Ruffo di Calabria
80144 Napoli Italy

For Further information

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