Fruit juice

100% Juice

The 100% juices are characterized by being composed exclusively of fruit juice without any added sugar. Available in brik 1000ml.

Produced by La Doria SpA


The drinks are tasty juices easy to drink at every opportunity. Is available in cartons of 200ml, 1000ml and 1500ml in PET bottles 1000ml.

Produced by La Doria SpA

Iced tea

The unique flavor of tea in these fresh and refreshing drinks. Available in both 200ml cartons in PET bottles 500ml and 1500ml.

Produced by La Doria SpA


Nectars juices are typically Italian, obtained with a high content of juice and fruit pulp. Available in glass bottles of 125ml, 200ml and 1000ml in cartons and PET bottles 1000ml.

Produced by La Doria SpA

Italian Food Tradition

Palazzo Pegaso c/o Aeroporto Internazionale di Napoli

Viale Fulco Ruffo di Calabria
80144 Napoli Italy

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